Fibro bLasting treatment

PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY AND ENSURE YOU FULLY UNDERSTAND THE PROCEDURE AND WHAT TO EXPECT AFTER YOUR TREATMENT. Fibro blasting Treatment Although this treatment is classed as non-surgical and non-invasive, it is vital you follow the aftercare advice to get the most from your treatment and the Best results. WHAT IS FiBROBLASTING – Fibro blasting is a treatment used to help lift and tighten the skin and enhance and regenerate your looks. It also a great procedure to remove moles and Skin Tags. As everyone’s skin is different the results can vary dramatically from client to client. This treatment is designed to reverse the sign of aging and tighten the skin. The fibroblast pen ionises nitrogen and oxygen to create a plasma gas, which is blasted into the skin causing little brown spots to appear, the skin has a micro trauma response and creates a reaction from the skin to repair the area, using a type 1 collagen, which is much tougher then regular collagen. The skin begins to repair the area bringing new blood vessels and brand-new skin cells to the area, whilst removing old cells and bringing new elastin to the skin and avoids damage to the surrounded areas. Whilst the plasma pen damages the external skin (epidermis) the Dermis is only stimulated to help boost its natural reactions and help bring collagen and cross linking in the lower layers to reduce the effects of wrinkles and lines, by doing this the treatment continues to have an effect for weeks after. Giving Amazing results!

before treatment

No alcohol for 24 hours before treatment

No sunbeds for 2 weeks before treatment

Avoid using any products on the skin before the treatment

Please fill in a consultation form before treatment and make the therapist aware of any medical conditions that may affect the treatment

You will not be able to have the treatment if you are allergic to tropical anaesthetics or Lidocaine

You will not be able to have treatment if you are on any blood thinning medication

If you have Botox or fillers this needs to be done 2 months before treatment or book in after you are healed


After Care

Although the treatment is not completely painless it is more discomfort then painful.

Immediately after you may experience some discomfort or soreness, this usually wears off throughout the day, however if it persists then a cool compress is recommended and if this does not relieve it then an anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen) or anti histamine can be used.

 It is normal for the skin to be red around the area of treatment but also white around the area where the anaesthetic cream/ injection if applied. This should only last a few hours.

Some clients may experience swelling for days after this can vary from person to person, it may also affect your vision temporarily.

Ensure you give yourself some downtime after the treatment.

Rarely numbness and/or tingling over the site of treatment may occur for a few days.

Often superficial lines in the face are ‘highlighted’ in pink or red following treatment. This effect will settle within a few days

Over the following 2 weeks the small brown spots will gradually fall off and leave little marks where the skin is healing, it is VITAL you do not pick at them as this can lead to infection and scarring.

Aloe Vera gel can be used to relieve any discomfort or itching.

You may experience some clear fluid however if the area is pusy or red and inflamed days after please contact us immediately as you may have an infection and need see a GP, this will not happen if you follow your aftercare carefully.


Avoid any creams or sun cream with perfume or alcohol present, ensure you keep the area dry and clean and out of sun whilst the area heals and wear a complete sun block to help protect the new skin cells to develop. Do not expose the treated area to intense heat (i.e. solarium, sauna or sunbathing) for at least 6 months, use sun block otherwise you could end up with pigmentation

Mole cyst skin tags

Removal service

We understand that skin abnormalities, however small can damage your confidence and cause irritation. We are able to remove

Skin tags





Age spots

DPN (Dermatosis papulosa nigra)

We do ask you consult with your GP first to give them a chance to confirm diagnosis and give them a opportunity to remove it for further testing if they wish.

If you have any questions or need any further information please feel free to contact us.


How the treatment is carried out?

We apply a tropical anaesthetic cream, we usually post this out to you for you to use an hour before your appointment.

We then use a plasma pen to break down the growth and encourage new cells to grow, we use the plasma pen to cauterise the area and help prevent infection and a small scab will form. We ask you not to touch this and allow it to fall off naturally to prevent scarring.

The scab can be present from anywhere up to 12 days depending on each individual.

This is treatment is not suitable for people who have the following medical conditions

On blood thinning medication or aspirin

Suffer with keloid scarring

Suffer with any autoimmune disease, including Psoriasis or eczema

Allergic to lidocaine

Have infection at site of the treatment

Are pregnant or breastfeeding
