Fat Dissolving Injections

What is Aqualyx?

Aqualyx is an injectable compound made from the deoxycholate family of acids. The product may also be called Motolese’s Solution, named for the professor that introduced the drug.

The acids present in Aqualyx cause fat destruction in the body. Plastic surgeons use Aqualyx for body contouring. They may inject it into different areas of the body, such as the:

  • back
  • chin
  • hips
  • knees
  • stomach
  • thighs

It may also use the substance to treat a condition called pseudo-gynecomastia in men. This causes extra fat tissue to grow in the chest area, giving the appearance of breasts.

When injected into the body, Aqualyx can reduce the appearance of fat to give a smoother, more contoured appearance. While a person will see changes after one treatment, they’ll usually require more than one treatment session to see maximum results.

Aqualyx ingredients?

Aqualyx contains the following ingredients:

  • buffering chemicals
  • modified compound of deoxycholic acid
  • red microalgae sugars
  • other sugars
  • sodium chloride
  • water

You shouldn’t receive Aqualyx injections if:

  • you’re breastfeeding
  • you have an inability to produce fat (lipodystrophy)
  • you’re pregnant
  • you have skin diseases or infections
  • you have any conditions that affect fat processing in your body

What’s it like to get Aqualyx injections?

While the process may vary slightly based on where a person is receiving the injections, here are some basic steps you might undergo when receiving Aqualyx injections:

  1. Your Aesthetic practitioner will first discuss your treatment goals with you.
  2. The area where you’re getting Aqualyx injected will be cleaned.
  3. You’ll receive an injection of local anesthetic to numb the area and reduce discomfort.
  4. Your doctor will then inject the Aqualyx solution into the targeted area of your body. The amount of Aqualyx used and the number of injections will depend upon the area being treated.
  5. Your doctor will use an ultrasound device to ensure an even distribution of Aqualyx in the targeted area.

The process usually takes anywhere from a half an hour to an hour. You may require up to eight treatments to see the maximum effect.

Once Aqualyx dissolves the unwanted fat, the effect is thought to be permanent. However, if you gain weight following the procedure, it’s possible you may see diminished results.

Who’s an ideal candidate for Aqualyx?

Aqualyx is intended for those who have good skin elasticity. This is usually (but not always) people 18 to 60 years old. Otherwise, the treatment could cause the skin to appear saggy after injections.


What are the potential downsides of Aqualyx?

Aqualyx isn’t without its side effects. A doctor should discuss these with you before undergoing the procedure. Examples include:

  • bruising
  • redness
  • skin irritation
  • swelling

A rarer side effect is scarring, which has been reported but isn’t known to occur with any regularity.

It’s also possible you could have an allergic reaction to one or more of the substances present in Aqualyx.

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