Dermal Filler


What are Dermal Fillers?
Dermal fillers are a clear hyaluronic acid gel that is injected into facial tissues to smooth wrinkles and folds. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance found in the body that delivers nutrients, hydrates the skin, acts as a cushioning agent, and provides scaffolding to lift any folds. Dermal fillers may also be used to treat facial atrophy (loss of fat), for facial sculpting, and skin enhancement. Dermal filler injectable gels temporarily add volume to facial tissue and restores a smoother appearance to the face. 

How long does a HA dermal filler last?
You should see an immediate improvement in the treated areas on the day. Depending on the area treated results may last 6 months or more. When having fillers for the first few times you may experience the dermal filler breaking down quite quickly. this Will stabilise and filler will then last longer once it has been built up

What are the possible side effects?
Most side effects are mild or moderate and usually last less than 7 days. Persistence Of these symptoms for up to two weeks usually nothing to worry about. The most common side effects include temporary injection Site reactions such as redness, pain/tenderness, firmness, swelling, lumps/bumps, bruising, itching, and discoloration.
Other rare risks include, but are not limited to •
Overcorrection / under correction & facial asymmetry
Unpredictable persistence of filler, either shorter or longer than expected.
Prolonged discoloration of the skin
Prolonged or severe swelling
Reactivation of cold sores
Granulomas or firm nodules
Allergic or anaphylactic reaction
A remote and extremely rare risk is that of filler injection into a blood vessel, leading to blockage of the vessel. This could result in reduced blood flow to an area of tissue. leading to tissue damage and tissue death (necrosis). which could be seen as skin breakdown. ulceration and scar formation. It is extremely Important to ask your practitioner if you think something may be wrong so they can access and action can be taken to dissolve the dermal filler.

What are post treatment procedures?
For the first 24 hours following treatment. you should avoid strenuous exercise. excessive sun or heat. and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This minimises the risk of temporary redness. swelling. and/or itching at the treatment Sites. These temporary Side effects generally resolve themselves within one week. A cold compress can be applied to the site if you experience swelling. You may apply make-up as usual after 24hours.

What are post treatment procedures?
 For the first 24 hours following treatment. you should avoid strenuous exercise. excessive sun or heat. and consumption of alcoholic beverages. This minimises the risk of temporary redness. swelling. and/or itching at the treatment Sites. These temporary Side effects generally resolve themselves within one week. A cold compress can be applied to the site if you experience swelling. You may apply make-up as usual after 24hours.
 By signing below, I acknowledge that I have fully read the information and consent form and that I have discussed the risks and benefits of dermal fillers With my practitioner. I understand the information provided and I consent to dermal filler cosmetic treatment.
 I hereby confirm that I understand the above and am happy to continue with treatment.

Dermal fillers for lips and facial contouring all made from the same molecule, which is hyaluronic acid. H.A naturally occurs in skin and is a top ingredient in hydrating skin-care products, since it plumps skin by capturing and holding onto hyaluronic acid is not only the best option, but the only option for those who want facial fillers , since it will dissolve on its own and is well-tolerated, since it’s already in your body.
 In the first two days after your lip filler treatment:


Do not rub or massage your lips.
 Do not take aspirin/ ibuprofen and AVOID alcohol.
 Use a cold compress on your lips for 15 minutes in every hour. Sleep with your head raised.
 No facials, sunbeds,saunas or exercise is recommended, which can alter the placement of the filler and increase swelling and bruising.
 Sleeping with your head elevated will help with swelling.
 Swelling is most noticeable in the first two days after your treatment but if there is some swelling , an over the counter antihistamine like Benadryl might help. Lips often swell but this is highly variable and some patients will experience no swelling and some will have more dramatic swelling that will take longer to subside.
 Bruising might take longer to improve, depending on its severity. An internal bruise – also called a haematoma/blood blister is an enlargement of tissue due to the accumulation of blood cells and fluid. Blood fills the area, creating a bulge. Over the next 1-2 weeks, the body will reabsorb the blood cells and fluid from the region
 As you already know, H.A. lip injections will eventually dissolve on their own. Why? This is thanks to hyaluronidase, a naturally occurring enzyme in the body that metabolises hyaluronic acid. This is part of the reason why injections fade at different rates in different people. It may be more active in some people than it is in others

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