A common form of collagen induction therapy is microneedling. It makes use of the body’s amazing natural mechanisms and how it responds to regulated skin micro-injuries.

Your skin contains two special substances called collagen and elastin that work wonders to maintain it young-looking and elastic.
A protein called collagen is responsible for maintaining the strength of your skin’s dermis. Under the epidermis, the outermost layer of your skin, is the dermis. Proteins also include elastin. Your skin gains the flexibility and stretch that are sometimes attributed to skin that is young and supple.

Sadly, as we get older, we create less of these two potent substances. Though very gradual, this process might begin as early as the age of 25. This may eventually result in skin that looks saggy and drab. Additionally, wrinkles and fine lines can be developing.

How it works
How painful is Micro-needling

The equipment used for micro-needling contains a large number of exceedingly small, sterilised needles. These enable your practitioner to manipulate the skin’s surface in a controlled manner while avoiding actual harm. There will be no visible holes left in the skin.

Depending on the face or neck area being treated, your practitioner can adjust the depth using our micro-needling pen. For instance, they treat thinner skin, such as the area around the eyes or lips, more superficially while treating scar tissue more deeply. Our strategy guarantees a customised micro-needling procedure catered to your skin’s and facial needs.
Although micro-needling initially seems frightening, it is actually a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation technique that produces amazing results.
It functions by promoting the skin’s natural healing process, which involves the production of new collagen and elastin. 

Your skin is activated in reaction to these channels or micro-punctures. The natural healing process of the body is immediately reactivated by this. It promotes dermal regeneration by causing irritation in this manner. Your skin’s quality increases as a result, making it appear younger. It accomplishes this primarily through two processes: New collagen and elastin fibres are produced inside the dermis, and Blood flow and skin cell turnover are increased.

Your face will feel heated and seem red after receiving a micro-needling procedure. The redness may take up to three days to go away, but this warmth will soon pass.

This differs from person to person because everyone has a distinct tolerance for pain. However, our patients generally agree that micro-needling is painless. As the treatment is administered, it seems more like a peculiar “buzzing” feeling. The above-mentioned momentary warmth comes next.


Reactions from treatment:
Reactions from treatment include: skin redness and flushing, tightness, itching, tenderness, stinging, swelling
and some pinpoint bleeding.
Effects will usually typically resolve within hours and many people are able to return to their normal activities
the same or next day. Some people may react differently and may experience these reactions for longer.
However, these reactions are temporary and typically resolve within 3-4 days as the skin returns to normal.
There is a small risk of side effects causing the skin to turn very red, blister, swell, peel and later scab and crust. In
severe cases infection and ulceration may result, although this is not expected to occur due to the sterility of the
derma roller/micro needling device and the minimally invasive nature of the micro-medical needles.
Micro needle therapy procedure may cause areas of bruising although this would not normally be expected to
occur, the eye contour being the area at most risk. Any such bruising will be temporary. If you are taking any
medication or dietary supplements that can affect platelet function and bleeding time, the severity and period
of bruising can be extended, also the presence of petechiae (small red or purple spots beneath the skin) may be
There is a small risk that hyperpigmentation of the skin can occur after the procedure, although this is not
normally expected as the epidermis of the skin is not removed as a result of the procedure. Failure to follow the
advice detailed below can increase this risk.

Before Treatment Advice:

One week before to the therapy, avoid using sensitive topical agents. Topical treatments including acids, retinoids, vitamin A, retinoic acid, and topical antibiotics have a significant positive impact on the skin on a daily basis. However, they are not appropriate for micro-needling pre-treatment preparations.

Avoid taking inflammatory medications three days before the operation. Anti-inflammatory drugs including Advil, ibuprofen, and Motrin should be completely avoided prior to receiving a micro-needling therapy, just like with vitamin A-based therapies. These contain substances that will obstruct the body’s normal inflammatory process, which will have an impact on the entire skin-rejuvenation process.

Before micro-needling, do not  wax up to a week before treatment as this makes the skin extremely sensitive and prone to irritation. Electrolysis and outdated creams should both be avoided. Don’t shave at all on the day of treatment. Shave any hair from the treatment region the day before the procedure if there is any. Moles, warts, and sun keratosis cannot be treated.

After Treatment Advice:
• Refrain from touching the skin with your hands until the pores have had chance to close. DO NOT PICK OR
PULL THE SKIN. Any redness should subside over a 24 – 36 hour period.
• Gently wash the treated areas on the same day, but do not rub or massage the face for 2 weeks. Cleanse
using a mild cleanser. It is recommended that the use of soaps, other than those recommended by your
practitioner, on the treated skin area is restricted until the redness subsides and where possible lukewarm
water and / or gentle skin cleansers are used for cleansing. Do not scrub. Pat to dry only with a clean towel.
• Use of intensive moisturiser is advised for at least a week as your skin may feel drier or tighter after your
treatment – this is quite normal.
• Avoid facial products containing fragrance for 3-5 days after treatment as these may irritate the skin.
• Make up can be applied once the skin has settled, but ensure all brushes and sponges have been cleaned.
• Refrain from extreme temperatures such as intensive sun light, saunas, sunbed, steam bath for a period of at
least 2 weeks after treatment.
• Apply a sunscreen with an SPF30+ (such as the CLINICCARE Sun Shield Silky Cream SPF30) on a daily basis
and with regular applications for a period of at least 2 weeks.
• Avoid electrolysis, waxing, bleaching (face), depilatory creams, laser hair removal for at least 72 hours.
• Do not swim in chlorinated water for approximately 14 days.
• Please report any concerns to your practitioner as soon as possible.

Recommended skin care in between skin needling sessions: Daily application of a gentle skin care is highly recommended following the procedure for the acceleration of regenerative processes and consolidation of procedure results. Follow the directions of your practitioner. Although the micro needling treatment is effective in most cases, it is recommended to have several treatments as suggested by your qualified practitioner for optimal results.

All treatments require a full consultation to be completed that will be completed before your treatment goes ahead.

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