Permanent Make Up

before your treatment

• No caffeine drinks or alcohol the day of, prior to your procedure

• No medications (ibuprofen, aspirins) the day before and the day of. Tylenol is fine.

• No facials, wax, starting 7 days prior to your procedure.

• No chemical peels, laser treatments in the past 60 days

• No retinol/botox/fillers in the past 4 weeks and for 4 weeks after the procedure

• No lash extensions, lash growth products in the past 4 weeks (for eye-liner procedures)

• No outbreaks (lip procedures) 


After your Treatment


Remove the cream applied after 3 hours using a cotton pad and bottled water. Keep the area CLEAN for the first day dabbing your brows with a cotton pad and sterile or bottled water.

Day 1-10:
Gently wash your brows in the morning and at night with water and antibacterial soap (dial, cetaphil or Neutrogena)
Make sure your hands are clean and use your fingertips; pat dry with a paper towel and apply a very small amount of coconut oil 2/3 times a day (make sure you don’t over apply as this will cause additional pigment loss.)

Picking at them: this could cause scarring and additional pigment loss
Facials, botox, chemical treatments for at least 4 weeks
Working out for at least 10 days (sweating)
Direct sun exposure for the following 3 weeks. Wear a hat for the first 2 weeks then apply sunscreen
Long hot showers and steam for the

first 10 days
Makeup over the treated area for 2 weeks


DAY 1: rinse with water every hour and dab with baby wipes; apply a thin layer of vaseline before you go to bed.

DAY 2: dab with baby wipes and apply vaseline 2/3 times a day (do not over apply)

DAY 3-14: apply a thin layer of vaseline as needed

• Keep the area CLEAN gently washing your face, without rubbing on eyes.

• Try to sleep on your back to avoid rubbing your face on the pillow

• No makeup for the following week

• Do not pick the scabs, let them naturally exfoliate.

• Avoid direct sun exposure for the following 3 weeks


• Apply the lip balm (provided) frequently

• Avoid spicy food right after your procedure

• Avoid direct sun exposure for the following 3 weeks.

Final Result and What to Expect AFTER PERMANENT MAKEUP?

For those who are considering to having permanent makeup done, the final result and what to expect during the healing process is very very important! So please take the time to read this before making your final decision.

Permanent makeup is an art, not a science; results vary depending on skin type, and skin undertones. In order to achieve extremely good results, we will need very good skin, and a meticulous aftercare regimen.

Normal, or normal to dry, not oily, no large pores, no scar tissue, no previous permanent makeup, and not being on medications that affect the skin give the best results.
Meticulous aftercare regimen means respecting and keeping up with each instruction and or routine given after the treatment.

All permanent makeup cosmetic treatments need at least 2 sessions to achieve a good result, sometimes 3!

Each session is done from 6 to 12 weeks apart.

Please note if you are interested in giving blood, please allow 4 months after treatment 

What to expect After Your First Session

Day 1: Brows will appear slightly thicker than we drew them, color looks darker and warmer due to the redness of the skin.

Day 2-4: Brows are darker than what you’ve expected, and about 2 shades darker than what they will actually be once healed. Some redness may still persist on some clients.

Day 6-10: Brows normally start peeling around day 5-6. Some clients slightly peel, while some others may experience some scabbing. Once they start flaking, some areas of the eyebrows will fade more than others and as the pigment oxidizes it will start to darken up again over a 3-4 week period

Day 28-40: At this time you’ll actually start seeing the final result. People that heal quickly and young clients can see their final colour by the 4-5 week mark, while adult women and people that heal slower will have to wait until week 6-7 to see the final colour. We have no control over your body healing process, so please, be patient!
Your skin may not take to the colour the first time around, this is the reason for a second and sometimes a third session. Skin takes the colour much better during the touch up appointment, since the tissue is already used to the colour.

As months go by the strokes become lighter and softer. Depending on the skin/age of the client and quantity of pigment implanted, the brows will last 1-2 years until they need a colour boost. It is recommended to wait a minimum a year for a colour boost, although some clients with several oily skin may need a touch up sooner. The only thing that can help them from fading is constant use of sunblock and not using products like retinol, Vitamin C, glycolic acid and others in the brow area.

The difference between a permanent makeup artist and a body artist is that we tend to work more superficially in order to achieve a very natural result, if we pack in as much pigment as a body artist does, the final result will end up being unnatural and too heavy.


Whether you have had an eyelash enhancement rather than an eyeliner, your eyes will appear puffy for the following 2-3 day.
For the best natural eyelash enhancements, most of the time one session is enough;
thicker eyeliners may need 2-3 sessions.
I never overwork on eyes; these are super sensitive, and the eye tissue is very thin; if your eyes start bleeding or become swollen we prefer to complete the work in multiple sessions.

Day 1-3: You may experience puffy eyes, heavy lids.
Try to sleep in an elevated position to help reduce swelling at night.

Day 4-6: some scabbing may occur; keep the area clean and no makeup on your eyes until completely peeled.

Eyes usually heal within 1 week.
Eyes permanent makeup lasts longer compared to other areas and doesn’t require yearly touch ups such as eyebrows or lips due to the thinner tissue.

be prepared for bright coloured lips and also swelling. The fuller the natural lip the more swelling occurs. Lips do not look nice while healing! If you are not prepared to put up with how they look in the healing process do not have them done.

Day 1-2: Lips may be swollen and the colour is very bright.

Day 3-6: They will go dry and flaky! Be patient, because lips heal relatively quickly. So you may have 4 to 7 days of them looking hideous but the healed result is so worth it!

A Yearly colour boost recommended after first touch up.
If you chose me as your Permanent Makeup artist I need you to trust me.

Trust me when i say that the colour will lighten up, and trust me when I say that after the touch-up you’ll have better retention, because we already have a background of colour, and we will be working much less during your touch up appointment
How Long Does Permanent Makeup Last?
Permanent Makeup DOES fade over time!

The duration depends on multiple factors:
Our immune system

Sun exposure
Medications (ex. thyroid, anxiety medications)

Gym activity, and excess of sweating

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